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Prof. em. Dr. Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel


Germany: Universities of Heidelberg, Hamburg, Bonn, Cologne; trainee lawyer stations in Düsseldorf and Cologne.

Abroad: Boston, Geneva, The Hague, Paris.


Until 1971: Sozius in a commercial law practice in Düsseldorf.

Until 2001: Chair of International Business Law and Director of the Institute for Air and Space Law at the University of Cologne. Lectures in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Great Britain, Japan, Lebanon, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the USA

Since 2001: Independent Arbitrator and member of the Law Faculty of the University of Cologne as professor emeritus.

Other Functions (Selection):

Chair of the German Institution for Arbitration (DIS), 1996 - 2012, Honorary Chair since 2012.
Abitrator and Chair of arbitration tribunals in numerous national and international arbitration proceedings of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), the World Bank (ICSID), NAFTA, CAFTA, UNCITRAL, der American Arbitration Association (AAA) and others; Patron of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

Board Member and since 2012 Advisory Board Member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA); President, International Law Association (ILA) 2004-2006; Chair of the German Association for International Law 1993-2006. President of the LCIA, 1993 - 1997; Panel Chairman of the United Nations Compensation Commission, 1994 - 1996; President of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Hague, 1984 - 1988. Chair, „Arbitration of the Century“ IBA Conference Amsterdam 2000.

Panel of Legal Experts, Int.Telecommunication Satellite Org.(ITSO); Honorary Director, International Institute of Space Law. Chair of both german expert committees for Air- and Space Law 1977-2001; Chairman, Space Law Committee of the International Law Association 1985-2001; Chair, Working Group Air Law of the International Chamber of Commerce 1979-2001; Chairman, Intelsat Panel of Legal Experts, 1995 - 1999; Chair, Advisor of the German Agency for Space Affairs (DARA) 1990-1994.


12 books as author, 35 books as editor. Over 300 articles in particular on: International commercial contracts, international treaties, international legal relations in civil and commercial matters, protection of foreign investments, expropriation and nationalisation, national and international arbitration, other areas of international commercial law; as well as: Aviation liability, airport and air traffic control law, commercial space activities, manned space flight, environmental protection in space, dispute resolution in space law, and other areas of aviation and space law. (In German, English and French; translations into Spanish and Portuguese).

Editor of the publication series of the German Institution of Arbitration. Editor of the series ‘Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht’ 1975-2001; Editor of the ‘Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht’ 1975-2001; Editor of the series ‘Schriften zum Luft-und Weltraumrecht’ 1975-2001.


Law of International Business and Dispute Settlement in the 21st Century - Liber Amicorum Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel; Editors: Briner, Fortier, Berger, Bredow; Cologne 2001, 824 pages.

Air and Space Law in the 21st Century - Liber Amicorum Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel; Editors: Kröll, Benkö; Cologne 2001, 496 pages.
