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Junior Professor and General Manager

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julian Scheu, LL.M.



Julian Scheu is a Junior Professor of Public Law, International Law, and International Investment Law at the University of Cologne, and he serves as the General Manager of the International Investment Law Centre Cologne (IILCC).

His research focuses on international economic law, human rights, European law, international dispute settlement, and comparative administrative law.

He studied law at the University of Cologne and the University of Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), specializing in international economic law (LL.M./Maîtrise en droit, 2009; Dr. jur., 2016). He completed both legal state examinations at the Higher Regional Court of Cologne (2013, 2017).

His doctoral thesis on “Human Rights in Investment Arbitration", supervised by Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schöbener, was published in 2017 as part of the Studies on International Investment Law with the support of the Research Funding Program of the VG Wort. During his doctoral studies, he conducted research as a visiting scholar at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) in London and the École de Droit de la Sorbonne in Paris. He also worked as a research assistant at the German Arbitration Institute (DIS).

He has acted as legal expert on behalf of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ), and the International Development Law Organization (IDLO). He also advises in matters related to international commercial and investment arbitration proceedings (ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, DIS, SIAC, ad hoc).

He is fluent in German, English, and French.


Current publications


Systematische Berücksichtigung von Menschenrechten in Investititonsschiedsverfahren, 363 p., Nomos 2017, ISBN 978-3-8487-3952-3

Edited volumes:

Creation and Implementation of a Multilateral Investment Court, 331 p., Nomos/Hart 2022, ISBN 978-3-8487-8386-1

Investment Protection, Human Rights, and International Arbitration in Extraordinary Times, 435 p., Nomos Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8487-7405-0, 2022 (with Rainer Hofmann, Stephan Schill and Christian J. Tams)

Evolution, Evaluation and Future Developments in International Investment Law – Proceedings of the 10 Year Anniversary Conference of the International Investment Law Centre Cologne, 189 p., Nomos/Hart 2021, ISBN 978-3-8487-7755-6 (with Stephan Hobe)

Digest of International Investment Jurisprudence (with Jörn Griebel and Christoph Hölken)

Articles in Journals:

Climate Change, Human Rights, and Private Capital: The Obligation of States to Close the Climate Investment Gap, Austrian Review of International and European Law Online 2024, (with Eva-Maria Wettstein) 

Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement – Current State of Play at UNCITRAL, 25.1 Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien (ZEuS) 2022, 15-74 (with Marc Bungenberg et al.)

Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunals to Settle Intra-EU Investment Treaty Disputes, 36.1 ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal 2021, 171-188 (with Petyo Nikolov)

The Setting Aside and Enforcement of Intra-EU Investment Arbitration Awards After Achmea, 36.2 Arbitration International 2020, 253–274 (with Petyo Nikolov)

The Incompatibility of Intra-EU Investment Treaty Arbitration With European Union Law – Assessing the Scope of the ECJ’S Achema Judgement, 62 German Yearbook of International Law 2019, 475-504 (with Petyo Nikolov)

The Protection of Satellite Telecommunications Activities Under Bilateral Investment Treaties, 19 The Journal of World Investment & Trade 2018, 1024-1058 (with Stephan Hobe, Rada Popova and Hussaine El Bajjati)

Trust Building, Balancing and Sanctioning - Three Pillars of a Systemic Approach to Human Rights in International Investment Law and Arbitration, 48.2 The Georgetown Journal of International Law 2017, 449-504

Consistency and Correctness in Arbitral Decision-Making – Is the UNCITRAL Reform Process Paving the Way for an Appellate Mechanism in ISDS?, Jean-Monnet Paper Serie des Europa-Instituts der Universität des Saarlandes 1/2023 (with Afolabi Adekemi)

Contributions to books and collected editions:

Effektiver Rechtsschutz und Eigentumsgarantie im System der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention: Zum Verhältnis und Zusammenspiel von Art. 6 Abs. 1, Art. 13 und Art. 1 ZP-1 EMRK, in: Donath et al. (eds.), Der Schutz des Individuums durch das Recht – Festschrift für Rainer Hofmann zum 70. Geburtstag, Springer 2023, 791-803

Introduction, in: Scheu et al. (eds.), Investment Protection, Human Rights, and International Arbitration in Extraordinary Times, Nomos 2022, 19-35 (with Rainer Hofmann, Stephan Schill and Christian Tams)

The Idea of a Multilateral Investment Court in the Rise, Crisis, and Reform of International Investment Law, in: Scheu (ed.), Creation and Implementation of a Multilateral Investment Court, Nomos/Hart 2022, 27-49

§ 14 - Liberalisierung von Investitionen, in: Kübek/Tams/Terhechte (eds.), Handbuch zum Handels- und Kooperationsvertrag EU/VK, Nomos/Facultas 2022, 297-319

Separate Opinions in Investment Arbitration, in: Ruiz Fabri (ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, Oxford University Press 2021

Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards in Germany, in: Fouret (ed.), Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards, Globe Law and Business Publishing 2021, 385-400 (with Andreas Kulick)

Article 8.31 (Applicable law and interpretation), in: Bungenberg/Reinisch (eds.), CETA Investment Law - Article-by-Article Commentary, Nomos/Hart/Beck 2021, 695-728

Article 8.24 (Proceedings under another international agreement), in: Bungenberg/Reinisch (eds.), CETA Investment Law - Article-by-Article Commentary, Nomos/Hart 2021, 546-557 (with Stephan Hobe)

Articles 66 (Settlement of disputes), 67 (Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession), 68 (Entry into force), 69 (Amendment), 70 (Denunciation), 71 (Depositary and languages), in: Kubiciel/Landwehr/Rose (eds.), The United Nations Convention Against Corruption: A Commentary, Oxford University Press 2019, 647-676 (with Christian Tams)

Didactic contributions:

Fortgeschrittenenklausur - Öffentliches Recht: Versammlungsrecht - Versammlung und Einkesselung, Juristische Schulung (JuS) 4/2022, 330-335 (with Jana Jochem)

Examensübungsklausur Öffentliches Recht: Geburtstagsfeier unter dem „Sternenhimmel“, Zeitschrift für das Juristische Studium (ZJS), 5/2021, 609-617 (with Jana Jochem)

Arbeitspapier Digitale Bildung der Universität zu Köln, 2021, Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe

Stellungnahme zu den Voraussetzungen und Möglichkeiten digitaler Lehrveranstaltungen, in: Justizministerium NRW (Hrsg.), Jurtech:Jurstudy – Fachkongress Digitalisierung (in) der Juristenausbildung (2023), 28-31


State Responsibility, Climate Change and Human Rights under International Law, written by Margaretha Wewerinke- Singh, in: Bungenberg et al. (Hrsg.), European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2020, 431-437

L’arbitrage des différends fiscaux en droit international des investissements, written by Arno E. Gildemeister, 15.5-6 Journal of World Investment & Trade 2014, 1119–1126
