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Prof. Dr. Stephan Schill, LL.M. (NYU)

Professor for International and Economic Law and Governance, Amsterdam Center for International Law, Amsterdam University; Since 2018: Member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration, General Editor of ICCA Publications, Editor of the Yearbook of Commercial Arbitration; Member of the ICSID Panel of Arbitrators (appointed by Germany); previously advisor at the Max-Planck-Institute for comparative public law and international law, Heidelberg; previously research assistant for Charles N. Brower, 20 Essex Street, London, and judge Abdul G. Koroma, International Court of Justice, The Hague; dissertation at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, LL.M. in International Legal Studies at New York University, research focus in International Law, International Dispute Settlement Law, Investment and Investor-State Arbitration, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, EU Law and Comparative Constitutional Law; author of numerous articles and five books regarding international investment law (‘The Multilateralization of International Investment Law‘, Cambridge University Press 2009, ‘International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law‘, Oxford University Press 2010, ‘International Investment Law and Development‘, Edward Elgar 2015 (with Christian Tams and Rainer Hofmann), ‘Transnational Law of Public Contracts‘, Bruylant 2016 (with Mathias Audit), and ‘International Investment Law and History‘,‘ Edward Elgar 2018‘ (with Christian Tams and Rainer Hofmann); admitted to the bar in Frankfurt and as Attorney-at-Law in the State of New York; representation in proceedings at the European Court of Human Rights.

