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Welcome to the Homepage of the
International Investment Law Centre Cologne (IILCC) 


The IILCC has set itself the task of analyzing the ever-increasing complexity of international investment law and its relationship to the international legal order and national law, of preparing scientific papers and of actively shaping its development. The research activities, which are led by the board of directors and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julian Scheu, are accompanied by a scientific advisory board. Since its foundation in 2008, the IILCC has been supported by generous sponsors. Further information can be found here.


Neueinstellung SHK zum 1.5.2025

Am International Investment Law Centre Cologne (IILCC) ist ab dem 01.05.2025 die Stelle einer studentischen Hilfskraft neu zu besetzen. Die Stelle hat einen wöchentlichen Beschäftigungsumfang von 8 Stunden. Die Vergütung erfolgt nach der hochschulinternen Richtlinie (ab dem 1.4.25 13,98 € brutto pro Stunde). Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Weitere Informationen zur Bewerbung finden Sie hier

Honorary Professors

On September 30, Dr. Markus Perkams and Dr. Lars Markert, LL.M., were appointed as Honorary Professors at the Faculty of Law. Both have been long-standing lecturers at the IILCC, offering courses in investment law each semester. We sincerely thank Prof. Dr. Markert and Prof. Dr. Perkams for their years of dedication and congratulate them on this well-deserved appointment!
